The original Tuahiwi Community Preschool was situated in the pre-fab next to the Tuahiwi Primary School. We were open three mornings a week with a role of just 15 children and one teacher. By 1993 all attached preschools had to either close, become a non profit playgroup, play centre or chartered licensed childcare centre. It was decided to be the latter.
To meet the regulations set by Ministry, the preschool applied for a grant from the Ministry of Education to relocate the pre-fab to the back of the school and add an office, kitchen and toilets. A Playground area was fenced, adventure playground and sandpit built etc. The new building was opened in February 1993. By 1999 the centre was open 7 sessions a week and alterations completed to enable to be licensed for an extra three children.
In 2001 extensions completed sessions were increased to try to reduce the waiting list, licensed for 27 children and additional teaching and non teaching staff. In August 2006 we received a Discretionary Grant for planning to relocate to the front of the Tuahiwi Primary School site as our present site was needed by the school to accommodate role growth.
In May 2007 a contract was signed with David McGill of Signature Homes to construct an Early Childhood Centre at the front of the school. The new building was opened in March 2008 and is now licensed for 50 children with nine teaching staff, and tow non teaching staff. We now open 5 days a week from 8.45am to 3.15pm.
To meet the regulations set by Ministry, the preschool applied for a grant from the Ministry of Education to relocate the pre-fab to the back of the school and add an office, kitchen and toilets. A Playground area was fenced, adventure playground and sandpit built etc. The new building was opened in February 1993. By 1999 the centre was open 7 sessions a week and alterations completed to enable to be licensed for an extra three children.
In 2001 extensions completed sessions were increased to try to reduce the waiting list, licensed for 27 children and additional teaching and non teaching staff. In August 2006 we received a Discretionary Grant for planning to relocate to the front of the Tuahiwi Primary School site as our present site was needed by the school to accommodate role growth.
In May 2007 a contract was signed with David McGill of Signature Homes to construct an Early Childhood Centre at the front of the school. The new building was opened in March 2008 and is now licensed for 50 children with nine teaching staff, and tow non teaching staff. We now open 5 days a week from 8.45am to 3.15pm.